e+a Applications
e+a rotors & stators designed specifically for your application save money, increase reliability and improve time to market.

Examples of e+a Turbomachinery Applications
- Power Generation – Micro-Turbines, GTE Power Generators
- Energy Recovery – Land-based, Airborne, Ship-based, Locomotive
- HVAC Compressors, Chillers
- Automotive – Fuel Cell Compressors, Range Extenders, Traction Motors
- Cryogenic – LNG & LH2 Pumps
- Concrete Cutting
- Machine Tool Spindles – Honing, Milling, PCB Drilling
- Waste - Water Blowers
- Medical – Heart Pumps
- Natural Gas Compression
- Vacuum Pumps
- Centrifuges – Medical, Industrial
e+a has solutions for your OEM application.
Contact us today!

Application Space
Applications for e+a rotors and stators are all over the map. e+a began as a supplier of motors to manufacturers of machine tool spindles so we have a large base of existing designs from a few KW to around 150KW that we supply to spindle makers. These range in volume from a few hundred to some thousand per year.
Turbomachinery applications using PM motors are the fastest growing market space at e+a; these applications include motors and generators for HVAC chillers & compressors, energy generation and storage, micro-turbines, gas & oil industry applications, waste-water blowers, vacuum pumps, automotive, cryogenic and replacement of gearboxes with direct-drive motors.
e+a has many existing designs for these applications but can generate new designs when required. These units tend to range from 35KW - 2MW in power and tens to hundreds per year in volume.
In general e+a produces rotors and stators for “Low Voltage” machines (meaning <1000V, and usually limited to around 2MW in power); however, e+a can provide “Medium Voltage” solutions (>1000V) for very high power/lower current requirements. Contact us with the details of your application.